Support us

Please watch the video below to understand the need, our vision and how you can help.

If you would like to support our work and enable us to help many others like Amy*, Emily or Karl, then please see below the different ways that you can donate and get involved.

Reflect is the initiative of local churches working together to provide a free support service in North Yorkshire for anyone facing a Pregnancy Choice and for those in need of support after experiencing Pregnancy or Neonatal Loss.

Reflect opened in York in 2007 and has since grown to have centres in Harrogate, Selby and most recently Thirsk.

Our vision is to see anyone in North Yorkshire, enabled to make an informed decision about a Pregnancy Choice, without fear, pressure or judgment, and to support those who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss from any cause and at any stage of pregnancy or soon after birth. Reflect offers ‘Reflections: Walking through Loss’ – a structured support programme, offering free one-to-one support for individuals or couples.

Motivated by Christian compassion, we desire to see people in this difficult situation supported through the decision-making process, whatever the outcome. We aim to raise awareness of the issues surrounding pregnancy including parenting, abortion, adoption, miscarriage, and to support all those affected.


The need

There were approximately 2,400 abortions in North Yorkshire and York in 2022. Research shows a woman (and her partner) are best able to cope with an unintended pregnancy decision made free from pressure or fear, knowing they have made a truly informed choice, even if it is difficult at the time. Reflect is able to provide the time, space and care that is needed for people facing a Pregnancy Choice. We meet with clients face-to-face (when possible), or arrange telephone or video consultations, and discuss all their options. Clients are given the space and support to make an informed decision without fear, pressure or judgement. A systematic review of mental health outcomes of induced abortion found that “unwanted pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of mental health outcomes.” Reflect provides care and support for all women who have an unplanned pregnancy.

In the UK, 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth. Reflect offers specialist services, for those dealing with a Pregnancy or Neonatal loss, that the NHS locally does not always currently provide, and receives referrals from hospitals, Mental Health organisations and Healthcare Professionals. The loss of a pregnancy, at any stage, can have a devastating effect on both partners and their mental health. We often see clients months or even years after their loss, who have not had the space and support to deal with all their emotions and process their grief.


Support us

All our services are free and confidential and are open to women, men and couples. Local agencies and healthcare professionals’ signpost to Reflect and clients can access our services directly.

Reflect volunteers have completed the accredited Pregnancy Choices Practitioners Course (Open College Network certificate) or have equivalent experience and in-house Pregnancy Choice training. Volunteers are further trained in our specific Pregnancy Loss and post-termination support ‘Reflections: Walking through loss’ and all receive regular, ongoing, supervision and training. Our Supervisors are all experienced qualified counsellors.

As a charity we are completely reliant on generous donations, grants, volunteers, and people spreading the word, so in whatever way you are able to contribute, your support is invaluable. Reflect has helped over 780 people and provided over 3800 support sessions.  With your support we can:

  • Keep our service free to those who need our support.
  • Fund our telephone helpline and website to be easily accessible to those in need.
  • Advertise our free services so anyone knows where to look for help.
  • Continue to expand our services.

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Give regularly

Give regularly

Become a Reflector!

If you would like to support our work by becoming a regular monthly giver, then please consider becoming a Reflector and help bring hope and light to people’s lives.

By providing essential regular finance you can help us to keep our service free to those in need of our support and help us continue to increase our capacity to develop the services we provide and reach even more people who are in need.

Sign up now

Give a one off gift

Give a one off gift

If you would like to give a one off donation now, then please follow the link below to give securely online through CAF Donate.

Alternatively, you can donate directly through bank transfer (bank details here) through PayPal Giving Fund or via cheque. Cheques should be made payable to "Reflect" and posted to the Reflect Office.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation by including our simple Gift Aid Declaration form with your donation.

Donate now

Fundraise for us

Fundraise for us

If you'd like to raise money for Reflect - we would love to support and encourage you in your fundraising! We've had people help us raise money in a variety of ways, from baking cakes to walking 100 miles (in a month!) and even selling Christmas cards and crafts. Whatever you'd like to do, please consider doing it for Reflect so that we can keep on providing our much needed service for free!

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